Dryscan specialises in providing non-invasive (no holes) moisture, mold and leak detection reports on homes and buildings using high tech infrared thermal imaging cameras. If you suspect that moisture is entering your home or mold is growing in places you cannot see. Act now, call us today on 08003797226 for a free quote to ensure your home is mold and moisture free.
Our cameras have the ability to see what the human eye can’t, using part of the light spectrum we cannot see. The cameras are able to “see” heat at temperatures lower than 500 degrees and it electronically converts this infrared radiation the heat emits, into a state that is readily visible to us. This allows us to read temperature differences in the walls and ceilings of your home which in turn enables us to identify objects such as the bracing and fixings within your wall and more importantly moisture and leaks that may not necessarily be visible to the naked eye. Dryscan Infrared then uses these images to produce a comprehensive moisture ingress report tailored to suit your needs.
History-Drybuild/Dryscan pioneered this leading edge technology in New Zealand to become the first building inspection company and the first franchised building inspection company to adopt purpose built infrared thermal imaging cameras for use in building inspections. The idea was to pinpoint the exact source of the moisture/leaks to enable an exact targeted area for repair, thus reducing the need for tradesmen to remove vast areas of cladding, pull down entire walls, uplift decks or remove entire windows in their search for the cause.
For many home owners, the process of investigating whether a dwelling has moisture problems (commonly referred to as “leaky building syndrome”) can often be a time consuming, expensive and invasive operation. However, by being able to assess these structures by non-invasive (“no holes”) methods without cutting into walls and floors and potentially causing further structural damage can in most cases save the homeowner hundreds if not thousands of dollars in investigative and remedial work.

Dryscan provides infrared camera technology for:
- IPre-Purchase Inspections
- IPre-Sale Reports
- IMoisture ingress and leak detection
- ITrack and Trace Reports
- IRoof Inspections
- IHeat Loss Inspections
- ILeaky Home Diagnostics
- IPreventative Maintenance Inspections
- IWeather tightness Reports
- IUnderfloor Heating Inspections
- IFixing and Bracing Reports
Pre-Purchase Moisture Inspection
Do you want to purchase a Leaky Home? If the answer is NO, then you need a Dryscan Pre-Purchase Inspection. A Dryscan Pre-Purchase Inspection can tell you whether the house you are about to buy has had leaks or suffers from leaky building syndrome. This inspection could save you from making a poor choice with dire consequences costing you thousands of dollars in repair work/re-clads if you buy a leaky home.
Be informed BEFORE you buy, with a Dryscan Infrared Pre-Purchase Property Report.
- IMakes your buying decisions much easier and more confident
- IIdentifies any defects BEFORE you buy, which if left unchecked could prove costly
- IEnables you to know exactly what you are getting as poor choice could have dire consequences
- ICan identify problems which may have been covered up or not be noticeable to the naked eye
- IConfirmation that the property is structurally sound
- IMinimise the possibility of any nasty surprises which may be expensive to remedy
- IIdentify any future ongoing maintenance and repair issues
- IMeet the requirement of Bank lending
Pre-Sales Reports
Thinking of selling your biggest asset – your home?
A Dryscan Pre-Sale report can ASSIST you in the successful sale of your home
- IOffers extra peace of mind to potential purchasers, knowing your home was inspected by a professional
- ICan help speed up the sale process
- INo nasty hidden surprises uncovered by purchasers inspectors during the middle of your negotiations
- IPossibility of a higher selling price knowing there are no hidden defects
- IGives you the vendor time to make any repairs before a purchasers inspection uncovers them
- IConfidence that you have nothing to hide, leaving the buyer with fewer objections and reasons to negotiate the price down
Track & Trace
For any single leaks; roofs, plumbing, windows, cladding etc.
If we don’t find the source, our service is free!
$300 + GST
Pre-Purchase / Pre-Sale = Scan Only
For a quick overview option. Helpful in an auction situations or where multiple properties are being viewed.
Includes cover letter with general comments regarding findings . There are no digital photos or thermal images.
$450 + GST
Report - Pre-Purchase / Pre-Sale
For peace of mind when buying or selling.
This covers both inside and outside of all external walls, bathrooms roofing, and joinery. Our reports are clear and detailed giving digital photos for every room and individual walls (on a full report), moisture readings, thermal images where issues are found, level of urgency for any required work, with recommended cause of action for repairs. Non invasive unless requested and agreed. Encompassing NZS.4306.2005 and meeting the requirement for bank lending.
from $650 + GST
Total Floor Area
Up to 120 m2Approximate Size Indication:
Total Floor Area
120 - 200 m2Approximate Size Indication:
3 Bedroom Home
Total Floor Area
200 - 250 m2Approximate Size Indication:
4 Bedroom Home
Total Floor Area
250 - 300 m2Approximate Size Indication:
5 Bedroom Home
Total Floor Area
300 - 350 m2Total Floor Area
350 + m2Full Reports
For full diagnostic services, to specify and define issues where extensive damage is evident and legal action may result.
A comprehensive report as per pre purchase/sale but with extensive thermal recording of walls, and detailed documentation. Will include some invasive inspection.
$12.50 per sqm + GST
Rechecks $300 + GST per visit
For any rechecks of work completed or report sign off.
DryScan has you covered so contact us now for a free quote
DryScan specializes in the folowing areas:
Dryscan Infrared Solutions ®™
- Pre-purchase and pre-sale inspections
- Moisture and leak detection
- Roof inspections
- Heat loss inspections
- Leaky home diagnostics
- Weathertightness reports